Format metagenome variants
This notebook formats for downstream use the table and VCF output from mutect2 called on metagenome data. It does some filtering to remove variants that are likely spurious and connects variants to functional annotations and gene identities. Finally it joins the WGS variants formatted earlier as the initial sampling point so that we can make time series from 0, 8, 28, and 60 days.
1 Setup
Libraries and global variables
Set up some directories
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data_raw <- here::here("_data_raw", "metagenome")
shared <- here::here("_data_raw", "shared")
vcftar <- here::here(data_raw, "tables.tar.gz")
covtar <- here::here(data_raw, "coverage.tar.gz")
# create temporary location to decompress
tmpdir <- fs::file_temp()
# make processed data directory if it doesn't exist
data <- here::here("data", "metagenome")
1.1 Untar and decompress
Show/hide code
# untar directory containing variant tables
dir = tmpdir,
files = NULL,
options = character(),
strip_components = 0L
vcfdir <- here::here(tmpdir, "tables")
# untar directory containing variant tables
dir = tmpdir,
files = NULL,
options = character(),
strip_components = 0L
covdir <- here::here(tmpdir, "coverage")
2 Reading and small formatting of data
2.1 Coverage data
Show/hide code
covfiles <- fs::dir_ls(
path = covdir,
all = FALSE,
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = "*.coverage.tsv",
regexp = NULL,
invert = FALSE,
fail = TRUE
covslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
skip = 1,
col_names = c(
col_types = "cdddddddd",
id = "file_name"
covslurpedfmt <- covslurped %>%
mutate(sample = str_extract(file_name, "SH-MET-[:digit:]{3}"),
strainID = str_extract(file_name, "HAMBI_[:digit:]{4}")) %>%
dplyr::select(-file_name) %>%
relocate(strainID, sample)
covslurpedfmtflt <- covslurpedfmt %>%
mutate(bamname = paste0(strainID,"-",sample)) %>%
# exclude species with trimmed mean (Dt) < 5
mutate(FILTER = if_else(trimmed_mean >= 5, FALSE, TRUE))
write_tsv(covslurpedfmtflt, here::here(data, "coverage.tsv"))
# cleanup
2.2 Variants
2.2.1 SnpEff annotations
Show/hide code
snpefffiles <- fs::dir_ls(
path = vcfdir,
all = FALSE,
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = "*.snpeff.tsv",
regexp = NULL,
invert = FALSE,
fail = TRUE
snpeffslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
skip = 1,
col_names = c(
# Annotated using Sequence Ontology terms. Multiple effects can be concatenated using '&'.
# A simple estimation of putative impact / deleteriousness : HIGH, MODERATE, LOW, or MODIFIER
# gene id from prokka
# whether variant is coding or noncoding
# Variant using HGVS notation (DNA level)
# Variant using HGVS notation (Protein level).
# Position in coding bases (one based includes START and STOP codons).
# Total number of coding bases (one based includes START and STOP codons).
# Position in translated product (one based includes START and STOP codons).
# Total length of translated product (one based includes START and STOP codons).
col_types = c("cdcccccccccdddd"),
id = "sample"
snpeffslurpedfmt <- snpeffslurped %>%
# this is weird, but joining on column like filter that contains characters like ';' doesnt work
dplyr::select(-filter) %>%
mutate(sample = str_extract(sample,
regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4}-SH-MET-[:digit:]{3})"))) %>%
separate(sample, into = c("strainID", "sample"), sep="-", extra = "merge")
2.2.2 Allele frequencies
Show/hide code
varfiles <- fs::dir_ls(
path = vcfdir,
all = FALSE,
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = "*.variants.tsv",
regexp = NULL,
invert = FALSE,
fail = TRUE
varslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
skip = 1,
col_names = c(
# Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed
# Allele fractions of alternate alleles. Excludes filtering
# Approximate read depth (reads are filtered if MQ=255 or with bad mates)
# Count of fragments supporting each allele.
# Genotype Quality
col_types = c("cdccccccccc"),
id = "sample"
varslurpedfmt <- varslurped %>%
mutate(sample = str_extract(sample,
regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4}-SH-MET-[:digit:]{3})"))) %>%
separate(sample, into = c("strainID", "sample"), sep="-", extra = "merge") %>%
# taken only first two most abundant alleles
separate(ad, into = c("depth_ref", "depth_alt"),
sep=",", extra="drop") %>%
# format depths to numberic
mutate(depth_ref = as.numeric(depth_ref),
depth_alt = as.numeric(depth_alt)) %>%
select(-frag_allele_depth, -genotype_qual) %>%
mutate(freq_alt = depth_alt/(depth_ref + depth_alt),
freq_ref = 1 - freq_alt) %>%
# final format depths to numeric
mutate(freq_alt_raw = as.numeric(freq_alt_raw),
depth_total = as.numeric(depth_total))
Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
ℹ In argument: `freq_alt_raw = as.numeric(freq_alt_raw)`.
Caused by warning:
! NAs introduced by coercion
2.2.3 Clean up tmp directories
2.3 Mutations from WGS analysis
2.4 Annotations
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#annotations <- read_rds(here::here(data_raw, "annotations_codon_degeneracy.rds"))
mgefinder <- read_tsv(here::here(shared, "MGE_finder_HAMBI_combined.tsv"))
genomad <- read_tsv(here::here(shared, "genomad_HAMBI_combined.tsv")) %>%
# exclude very large plasmids over 1Mbp from the filtering
filter((end - start) < 1000000)
3 Formatting and filtering
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[1] "HAMBI_0403" "HAMBI_1287" "HAMBI_1292" "HAMBI_1972" "HAMBI_1977"
[6] "HAMBI_2659"
3.1 Exclude regions with mobile elements in metagenomes
Show/hide code
mgvars_filt_mb <- mgvars %>%
left_join(mgefinder, by = join_by(strainID, chrom), relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
filter(!(pos >= start & pos <= end)) %>%
dplyr::select(-name, -start, -end, -prediction_tool) %>%
distinct() %>%
left_join(genomad, by = join_by(strainID, chrom), relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
filter(!(pos >= start & pos <= end)) %>%
dplyr::select(-name, -start, -end, -prediction_tool) %>%
3.2 Filter WGS on species only included in metaG
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3.3 Combine WGS and metaG
This includes all variants - both amino acid changing and non-changing
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Rows: 36 Columns: 7
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (5): sample, transfer_category, replicate, prey_history, predator_history
dbl (2): transfer_volume_ul, time_days
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Joining with `by = join_by(sample)`
3.4 Expand grid for variants
Make a dataframe where all times/species/replicates/genomic position/experimental conditions are present
Show/hide code
vars_united <- freq_mg_wgs %>%
select(chrom, pos, ref, alt) %>%
distinct() %>%
unite("combo", c(chrom, pos, ref, alt), sep = "|")
times_full <- expand_grid(combo = vars_united$combo,
time_days = c(0, 8, 28, 60),
replicate = c("A", "C", "E"),
prey_history = c("anc", "evo"),
predator_history = c("anc", "evo")) %>%
separate_wider_delim(combo, delim = "|", names = c("chrom", "pos", "ref", "alt")) %>%
mutate(pos = as.numeric(pos),
transfer_category = "hi",
transfer_volume_ul = 1800)
3.5 Format metagenome coverage data
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mg_cov <- covslurpedfmtflt %>%
filter(strainID %in% sps) %>%
left_join(read_tsv(here::here(data, "metadata.tsv"))) %>%
filter(transfer_category == "hi") %>%
# samples with trimmed mean coverage >=10 with over 99% of genome covered
# are to be trusted
mutate(cov_thresh_met = if_else(trimmed_mean >= 10 & covered_fraction > 0.99, 1, 0)) %>%
select(sample, strainID, chrom=scaffold, trimmed_mean, covered_fraction, transfer_category:cov_thresh_met)
4 Combine variants into complete time series
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freq_full <- left_join(times_full, freq_mg_wgs, relationship = "one-to-one") %>%
arrange(chrom, pos, ref, alt, replicate, predator_history, prey_history, time_days) %>%
# group_by(chrom) %>%
fill(strainID, .direction = "updown") %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(time_days, replicate, prey_history, predator_history) %>%
fill(sample, .direction = "updown") %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(mg_cov) %>%
mutate(cov_thresh_met = if_else(time_days == 0, 1, cov_thresh_met)) %>%
mutate(freq_alt_complete = case_when(cov_thresh_met == 1 & ! ~ freq_alt,
cov_thresh_met == 1 & ~ 0,
TRUE ~ NA_real_))
Joining with `by = join_by(chrom, pos, ref, alt, time_days, replicate,
prey_history, predator_history, transfer_category, transfer_volume_ul)`
Joining with `by = join_by(chrom, time_days, replicate, prey_history,
predator_history, transfer_category, transfer_volume_ul, strainID, sample)`
Some filtering to reduce size. Also record the number of mutect2 passing variants and add a time-lagged variable. We remove variants that only have an observation at T0 and never in any metagenome aample due to low coverage (i.e. they are NA). This will reduce the size of the dataset and make sure we focus on more than just signals present in the WGS analysis
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freq_full_sm01 <- freq_full %>%
group_by(chrom, pos, ref, alt, replicate, prey_history, predator_history) %>%
mutate(id = cur_group_id()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(id) %>%
# can't be all zeros
filter(sum(freq_alt_complete, na.rm=TRUE) > 0) %>%
# exclude only NAs
filter(sum([time_days != 0])) < 3) %>%
# mark some statistics that may be useful for later filtering
mutate(n_gt_fthresh = sum(freq_alt_complete >= 0.05, na.rm = T),
n_pass = sum(filter == "PASS", na.rm = T),
n_cov_gt = sum(cov_thresh_met, na.rm =T)) %>%
# freq_alt_complete_t1=lag(freq_alt_complete, order_by = time_days, n=1)
Here we require at least one observation with greater than 0.05 alt frequency and at least one variant passing mutect filters in the variant time series