Plot variant time series


Shane Hogle


October 30, 2024

This notebook reads in the formatted metagenome variant frequencies and annotations. It makes some plots of the variant trajectories through time.

1 Setup

Libraries and global variables

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source(here::here("R", "utils_generic.R"))

Set up some directories

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data_raw <- here::here("_data_raw", "metagenome")
data <- here::here("data", "metagenome")
shared <- here::here("_data_raw", "shared")
figs <- here::here("figs", "metagenome")

# make processed data directory if it doesn't exist

2 Read data

Show/hide code
# these were already filtered in the last step
mgvars <- read_tsv(here::here(data, "metagenome_variant_timeseries.tsv"))
degentab <- read_rds(here::here(shared, "annotations_codon_degeneracy.rds"))
genome_len <- read_tsv(here::here(shared, "HAMBI_genome_len.tsv"))
# annotations
annotations <- read_rds(here::here(shared, "annotations_codon_degeneracy.rds"))
# significantly parallel genes
par_genes <- read_tsv(here::here(data, "enriched_parallel_genes.tsv"))
Show/hide code
cog_description <- tibble::tribble(
  ~COG_category_single,                                                  ~COG_category_long,
            "J",               "J - Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis",
            "A",                               "A - RNA processing and modification",
            "K",                                                 "K – Transcription",
            "L",                         "L - Replication, recombination and repair",
            "B",                              "B - Chromatin structure and dynamics",
            "D",    "D - Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning",
            "Y",                                             "Y - Nuclear structure",
            "V",                                            "V - Defense mechanisms",
            "T",                                "T - Signal transduction mechanisms",
            "M",                        "M - Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis",
            "N",                                                 "N - Cell motility",
            "Z",                                                  "Z – Cytoskeleton",
            "W",                                      "W - Extracellular structures",
            "U", "U - Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport",
            "O",  "O - Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones",
            "X",                              "X - Mobilome: prophages, transposons",
            "C",                              "C - Energy production and conversion",
            "G",                         "G - Carbohydrate transport and metabolism",
            "E",                           "E - Amino acid transport and metabolism",
            "F",                           "F - Nucleotide transport and metabolism",
            "H",                             "H - Coenzyme transport and metabolism",
            "I",                                "I - Lipid transport and metabolism",
            "P",                        "P - Inorganic ion transport and metabolism",
            "Q",  "Q - Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism",
            "R",                              "R - General function prediction only",
            "S",                                              "S - Function unknown"

                 cogpal <- unname(createPalette(length(unique(cog_description$COG_category_single)), c("#F3874AFF", "#FCD125FF"), M=5000))
names(cogpal) <- cog_description$COG_category_long

3 Clustering

One clustering approach is with the kml package - see tutorial here. Another option would be to use the curveRep function from Hmisc - see more here.

Classic old hierarchical clustering from hclust works best and is easiest to use

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# create unique group id as a convenience for later plotting
df_grouped <- mgvars %>% 
  #filter(!str_detect(effect, "intergenic|intragenic|synonymous|fusion")) %>% 
  #filter(!str_detect(impact, "MODIFIER")) %>%
  group_by(strainID, chrom, pos, ref, alt, replicate, prey_history, predator_history) %>% 
  mutate(group_id = cur_group_id()) %>% 
  relocate(group_id) %>% 

# format the grouped dataframe in a way that can be plotted
df2clust <- df_grouped %>% 
  mutate(day = paste0("day", time_days))  %>% 
  select(group_id, day, freq_alt_complete) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "day", values_from = "freq_alt_complete") %>% %>% 
  column_to_rownames(var = "group_id")

# scale the dataframe for clustering
df2clust_scaled <- scale(df2clust)

# perform the hierarchcical clustering using euclidean distance and Ward's D
hc <- hclust(dist(df2clust_scaled, method = "euclidean"), method = "ward.D2" )

# get order of the clustered observations. The order is for the groups
ord <- hc$order

# get cluster membership. Again memebership is for the groups
myclust <- cutree(hc, k = 6)

df2plot <- df_grouped %>% 
  mutate(cluster = myclust[group_id],
         order = ord[group_id]) %>% 
  # convert group_id into a factor that is ordered by the hierarchical clustering
  # done above
  mutate(group_id = factor(group_id, levels = ord),
         cluster = factor(cluster)) %>%
  mutate(day = factor(time_days), 
         pos = factor(pos),
         mylab = interaction(replicate, prey_history, predator_history, paste0(locus_tag, "_", pos)),
         strainID2 = case_when(strainID == "HAMBI_0403" ~ 5,
                               strainID == "HAMBI_1287" ~ 4,
                               strainID == "HAMBI_1972" ~ 2,
                               strainID == "HAMBI_1977" ~ 3,
                               strainID == "HAMBI_2659" ~ 1)) %>%
  mutate(mylab2 = fct_reorder(group_id, strainID2)) %>% 
  relocate(mylab2, order, strainID2) 

4 Main text figure

Idea is to have a one heatmap for the alt allele frequencies for every detected mutation that passes our thresholds and then have some horiztonal bars which designate the different treatment combinations, the longitudinal clusters, and the species identieis stacked on top. Then below this we will have some simple line plots show the highly parallel mutations identified in the prior analysis.

4.1 Heatmap all species together

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blank_theme01 <- function(){
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"),
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text = element_blank()

blank_theme02 <- function(){
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    strip.text = element_blank()

phoriz_bar <- function(df, fillvar, mypal){
  # only take the first time point so to make one bar
  filter(df, day == 0) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = day,  x=mylab2, fill = {{ fillvar }})) +
    geom_tile() +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
    facet_wrap(prey_history ~ predator_history, scales = "free", nrow = 1) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = {{ mypal }}) + 

pheat_nolb <- function(df, fillvar){
  ggplot(df, aes(y = day,  x=mylab2, fill = {{ fillvar }} )) +
    geom_tile() +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
    facet_wrap(prey_history ~ predator_history, scales = "free", nrow = 1) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(0, 1), trans = "sqrt") +
    scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 90)) +

pheat_labs <- function(df, fillvar){
  ggplot(df, aes(y = day,  x=mylab2, fill = {{ fillvar }})) +
    geom_tile() +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
    facet_wrap(prey_history ~ predator_history, scales = "free", nrow = 1) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(0, 1), trans = "sqrt") +
    scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 90)) +

4.1.1 All alleles

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#clupal <- unname(createPalette(length(unique(myclust)), c("#F3874AFF", "#FCD125FF"), M=5000))
clupal <- gray.colors(length(unique(myclust)), start = 0.1, end = 0.9, gamma = 2.2, 1, rev = TRUE)
names(clupal) <- unique(myclust)

pheat_all <- phoriz_bar(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_2659"), cluster, clupal) +
  pheat_nolb(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_2659"), freq_alt_complete) +
  phoriz_bar(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), cluster, clupal) + 
  pheat_nolb(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  phoriz_bar(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1977"), cluster, clupal) + 
  pheat_nolb(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1977"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  phoriz_bar(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1287"), cluster, clupal) + 
  pheat_nolb(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_1287"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  phoriz_bar(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_0403"), cluster, clupal) + 
  pheat_nolb(filter(df2plot, strainID == "HAMBI_0403"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  plot_layout(ncol = 1, nrow = 10,
              heights = c(0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1),
              guides = "collect")

pheat_all Save

Show/hide code
ggsave(here::here(figs, "heatmap_all_alleles.svg"), pheat_all, width=11, height=4, units="in",

4.1.2 Parallel genes

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pdfr_evo <- left_join(par_genes, df2plot, 
          by = join_by(locus_tag, strainID, prey_history, predator_history, chrom)) %>% 
  filter(prey_history == "evo") %>% 
  # some manual renaming
  mutate(gene = case_when(locus_tag == "H1287_02172" ~ "yddV_2",
                          locus_tag == "H1977_02612" ~ "dppA/oppA",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_00299" ~ "PAP2_like",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_02826" ~ "ynjC",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_00671" ~ "yqaA",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_00421" ~ "hyp",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_02723" ~ "yifE",
                          locus_tag == "H2659_01789" ~ "hyp",
                          TRUE ~ gene)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(, Preferred_name, gene)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(gene_lab == "-", locus_tag, gene_lab)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = paste0(gene_lab, " | ", replicate, " | ",  cluster, "|", group_id)) %>% 
  arrange(COG_category_long, gene_lab) %>% 
  mutate(mylab2 = factor(gene_lab, unique(gene_lab)))

pdfr_anc <- left_join(par_genes, df2plot, 
          by = join_by(locus_tag, strainID, prey_history, predator_history, chrom)) %>% 
  filter(prey_history == "anc") %>%
  mutate(gene = case_when(locus_tag == "H1972_02826" ~ "ynjC",
                          locus_tag == "H1972_00421" ~ "hyp",
                          TRUE ~ gene)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(, Preferred_name, gene)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(gene_lab == "-", locus_tag, gene_lab)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = paste0(gene_lab, " | ", replicate, " | ",  cluster, "|", group_id)) %>% 
  arrange(COG_category_long, gene_lab) %>% 
  mutate(mylab2 = factor(gene_lab, unique(gene_lab)))
# evolved
pheat_par <- phoriz_bar(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_2659"), COG_category_long, cogpal) +
  pheat_labs(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_2659"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  # evolved 1972
  phoriz_bar(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), COG_category_long, cogpal) +
  pheat_labs(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  # ancestral 1972 - the only species that has significantly parallel genes in the ancestral treatment
  phoriz_bar(filter(pdfr_anc, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), COG_category_long, cogpal) +
  pheat_labs(filter(pdfr_anc, strainID == "HAMBI_1972"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  # evolved 1977
  phoriz_bar(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1977"), COG_category_long, cogpal) +
  pheat_labs(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1977"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  # evolved 1287
  phoriz_bar(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1287"), COG_category_long, cogpal) +
  pheat_labs(filter(pdfr_evo, strainID == "HAMBI_1287"), freq_alt_complete) + 
  plot_layout(ncol = 1, nrow = 10,
              heights = c(0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1, 0.25, 1),
              guides = "collect")

pheat_par Save

Show/hide code
ggsave(here::here(figs, "heatmap_par_alleles.svg"), pheat_par, width=12, height=10, units="in",

4.2 Individual allelle trajectories

Read data from parallelism analysis

Function for plotting trajectories for indivdidual genes

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plotpargenes <- function(strainID){
  pdfr <- left_join(par_genes, df2plot, 
          by = join_by(locus_tag, strainID, prey_history, predator_history, chrom)) %>% 
  # to reduce size only include genes that are mutated in at least two of the replicates
  filter(n_replicate >=2) %>% 
  # name the genes for plotting
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(, Preferred_name, gene),
         treat = paste0("prey:", prey_history, " | pred:", predator_history)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(gene_lab == "-", Description, gene_lab)) %>% 
  filter(strainID == {{ strainID }})
  # make random color set to help differentiate alleles 
  mypal <- unname(createPalette(length(unique(pdfr$mylab2)), c("#F3874AFF", "#FCD125FF"), M=5000))
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=pdfr[!$freq_alt_complete), ],
            aes(x=time_days, y=freq_alt_complete,
                group = mylab2,
                color = hgvs_p)) +
  geom_point(data = pdfr, 
             aes(x=time_days, y=freq_alt_complete, shape = replicate), 
             alpha = 1) +
  guides(color = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = mypal) + 
  facet_wrap(gene_lab ~ treat) +
  labs(x = "Days", y = "Allele frequency") +
  theme_bw() +
    legend.position = "bottom",
    strip.placement = 'outside',
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid = element_blank())

4.2.1 HAMBI_1287

Figure 1: Nonsynonymous variant frequencies (vertical axis) over time (horizontal axis) for combinations of individual genes (title bar top row) and treatment combinations (title bar bottom row). Point shape denotes the biological replicate from the treatment and line colors indicate the amino acid changing variant (some genes have multiple non-synonymous variants at different positions). Focal genes are from Citrobacter koserii HAMBI_1287 and are those exhibiting significant parallelism for the duration of the experiment.

4.2.2 HAMBI_1972

Figure 2: As in Figure 1 but for Aeromonas caviae HAMBI_1972.

4.2.3 HAMBI_1977

Warning: Removed 9 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Figure 3: As in Figure 1 but for Pseudomonas chlororaphis HAMBI_1977.

4.2.4 HAMBI_2659

Warning: Removed 12 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Figure 4: As in Figure 1 but for Stenotrophomonas maltophilia HAMBI_2659.

4.2.5 Selection of parallel genes to plot

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pdfr <- par_genes %>% 
  filter(n_replicate >= 2) %>% 
  arrange(desc(gene_multiplicity_m_i)) %>% 
  # take top 20 highest multiplicitiies
  slice(1:20) %>% 
  left_join(df2plot, by = join_by(locus_tag, strainID, prey_history, predator_history, chrom)) %>% 
  # name the genes for plotting
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(, Preferred_name, gene),
         treat = paste0("prey:", prey_history, " | pred:", predator_history)) %>% 
  mutate(gene_lab = if_else(gene_lab == "-", Description, gene_lab))

mypal <- unname(createPalette(length(unique(pdfr$mylab2)), c("#F3874AFF", "#FCD125FF"), M=5000))
ggplot() +
  geom_line(data=pdfr[!$freq_alt_complete), ],
            aes(x=time_days, y=freq_alt_complete,
                group = mylab2,
                color = hgvs_p)) +
  geom_point(data = pdfr, 
             aes(x=time_days, y=freq_alt_complete, shape = replicate), 
             alpha = 1) +
  guides(color = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = mypal) + 
  facet_wrap(gene_lab ~ treat) +
  labs(x = "Days", y = "Allele frequency") +
  theme_bw() +
    legend.position = "bottom",
    strip.placement = 'outside',
    strip.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid = element_blank())
Warning: Removed 11 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Figure 5: As in Figure 1 but for the genes with the top 20 higest gene multiplicities across HAMBI_1287, HAMBI_1972, HAMBI_1977, and HAMBI_2659.